Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dumb Taxi Drivers II

Today the conversation with the taxi driver was much shorter:

Me: Hi, I'm going somewhere quite nearby actually. Drop me opposite the road to XXX building. I know the way so don't worry.

Driver: Oh...

(Five second pause)

Driver: Good morning.

Me: .... Morning. Just drive. I know the way.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Oh boy.
You must be having so much fun.

Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

Anonymous said...

And you think that is bad...

I was in the office the whole day when my phone rang. One of my sales guy called up - "Hello *my name*, you're in the office??"

I say "If I'm not in the office, who's answering you?" ...then he just laughed (at himself obviously)...

I should have just pretended to be a voice messager and tell him to leave a message after the *beep*

Anonymous said...

better yet. pretend to be a voice messager and tell him to leave a message after the "fuck off".