Monday, August 21, 2006

My Friends Eat Lamb Dicks and Get Hard Ons

I had this converstaion recently with H, my Cambodian Muslim ex-Indonesian language schoolmate, primary drinking buddy and discussion partner on matters related to paid sex in Southeast Asia:

H: So the other day Y and I went to this shop to eat lamb soup. It's like this place by the road which specialises in lamb soup. They have all these lamb parts hung up in the stall and then you just point to whatever part you want and they make it into soup for you.

Me: Really? So what did you guys get?

H: Penis.

Me: Shit. Really? Lamb dick? Like one each or you shared?

H: Dunno. We just said we wanted lamb penis in our soup and they gave us two bowls. Can't really tell cos they cut it up.

Me: Right.

H: It's kinda like eating snake actually. You feel really hot all over. Oh you also get a hard on after you eat it.

Me: A hard on? Like a boner?

H: Yeah. Y said he couldn't sleep the whole night because his dick was standing.

Me: Well he could have just.. you know.. let it out.

H: Let what out?

Me: You know like uhm.. goyang goyang down there? (Goyang means shake)

H: Oh! oh.. yeah he could have done it but he didn't. Actually he's not supposed to cos he's like a more strict Muslim than I am.

Me: H, the Pope is a more strict Muslim than you are.

H: Ye-a-h... but well strictly speaking, Muslims aren't allowed to jerk off.

Me: They aren't? Why?

H: It's like the same as losing your virginity.

Me: So it counts even if you lose it to yourself?

H: Yeah.

Me: But who's gonna know right?

H: Well its kinda like an honour system.

Me: Ok. Then what about girls? Like what if they just rub but don't stick anything in?

H: Don't know.

Me: Strange.

H: Yeah. People should loosen up huh?

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