They all know that anywhere which got their Olympic torch confirm there will be protest about Tibet. So what to do? Chinese Soft Power lai liaaaoo!!! Just arrow all those chio but vulnerable-looking "athletes" to be the torch bearers lor. So simple. Even Chen Shui Bian also can tell you that.
By doing this, China set itself up for a win-win-win situation. Damn steady. If there are protesters, once they see that the Olympic torch is held by some vulnerable-looking chio bu, confirm they won't try to do anything funny one. China win! Then even if they try to take the torch, wah lan eh everyone see the photos already will think that those protesters who try to take the torch from those chio bus are bastards lor. China win again! And the last win? China bring the torch around the world is actually their road show for their export of foreign talent. "Athletes"? Ya... but all of them only know how to play shot put and javelin. Score one win for China products! Hahahahaha!!!
But anyway, this time round, the best win is scored by Chinese paralympic "athlete" Jin Jing. Her right leg kenah amputate last time so become "paralympic athlete". Those Chinese are one kinky bunch man! You see her photo here. Wah lan eh... Tell me you don't want to let her hold your Olympic torch?!:

Damn cham right? The poor disabled (but chio) Chinese girl, selflessly protecting China's glory from those bastard protesters who know nothing about China. Bastards. Here is a picture of Jin Jing after the attack:

Jin Jing damn steady. She is so steady that I composed a cheer for her:
Chinese Athletes Number One
by Jimmy Lee Kalimantan
Chinese athlete number one!
Put my lan jiao in their cunt!
If others try to interfere,
Chinese athlete fuck their rear!
Jin Jing, Jin Jing we love you!
Make that protester look like a fool!
They think their moral ground so high,
Steady right?
you need to get a life.
by the way lee chee chew's blog is back online so BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Admit it. You liked the cheer.
You idiot, you are such a moron liao.
Jin Jing is a brave girl and has more character than you can ever achieve!
Stupid Indonesia is crap.
Damn Muslims are destroying the entire world!
You bastard.
You are so jealous of Chinese people gor.
Indonesia guy is so dirty and does not respect girls, just use then for sex. You are a real dog ah.
Communist mongrel.
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