So my place is like bug central la. Cos next door there's a construction site so got a lot of stagnant water which means fuckloads of mosquitoes which wake me up at night and piss the hell out of me.
Enter the Shuangying Multifunction Mosquito Hitting Racket (that's how its spelled on the packaging). Check it:

What you do is charge the capacitor overnight, screw it on the next morning, and when there's a bug in sight, you switch the thing to standby and then you swat the motherfucker while you press the trigger. If you connect, there's this zzzzzzzPOP! sound accompanied by a blue spark which will mean that you have sent one of the hell-spawned little assholes back to where they came from with 2300 volts of bug-frying fury. As the packaging says, "It can kill the mosquito which is sucking blood on human skin, but it is harmless to human. Without any feeling of electric shock when you touch the net on flat surface, it is safe for use."
I love this thing. And I think I've become addicted to it. Coupla days ago I found myself making one more trip to the kitchen juuuust to make sure that there weren't anymore bugs hanging around.
And somehow, there's less bugs around the house. Maybe word has gotten around.
I like the look of that. Wonder where I can buy one when I go home. Wonder if they work on midges in Scotland.
I think you should try the cheapo shopping centres. They work on anything man! Mosquitoes, flies, roaches, pesky little children (in case you're intending to have any).
actually, that zapper thing is quite good for zapping people too... fun when they go ow! ow! ow!
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