That's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's like you know that detective show "Monk" where the main character has this mental problem where he cannot tahan if if anything in his surroundings are out of place? I mean, I know hotel staff are supposed to clean up your room and make sure everything is neat but check out these pictures. This was in my bathroom:
Notice the way the two energizer batteries are positioned so that the "Energizer" word is facing the same way? Like army inspection right?
And then this one is of the stuff on my desk. See how she folded my orange spectacle cloth neatly? And then she arranged the three coins in a row according to denomination. The one on the left is Rp500 whereas the two thinner ones on the right are Rp100s (I bumped into the table so they're not in a perfect straight line anymore at the time I took this photo).

Fucking hell. Where do they get these people?
They're well trained, is what they are :))
What's the name of the hotel? I want to stay there!
It's the Marriot. You know the one that got bombed previously? Now you'll be assured of your safety because they have security guards at the entrance who will check your car with metal detectors (which will confirm that your car is, indeed, made of metal).
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