Thursday, August 17, 2006

Photos of Snakes

In case anyone's wondering what snake looks like after it's been cooked, here are the photos:

And there's a picture of the menu too if you want to know how many ways there are to cook a snake:

Sorry this last photo is not too clear. It actually says:


King Cobra Steak (Served with vegetables and fried potatoes) - Rp 27000

Cobra Satay - Rp 22000

Tongseng Cobra (that's cobra in sweet sauce for all you Indon gourmet virgins) - Rp 22000

Cobra Goreng Mantenga (served with Fried Cobra cooked in Butter Sauce) - Rp 23000

I'm not sure the last item makes sense. So the "Cobra Goreng Mantenga" is served with even more cobra that is first fried and then cooked in butter sauce?

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