Thought I die already right?
I tell you ah.. I fucking busy ok... Quit my job la.. But gahmen dun wanna pay my last month salary so gotta become like loan shark and pester them. Then got people owe me $3000 la (I tend to refer to him as $3000 man) and beg me for more time la... and I gotta threaten him... (My life like revolves around people owing me money hor?) And then now I gotta start studying again la... Damn fucking blur..
But my research like quite steady one leh. Work on fuel cells for space robots ah... wah lan eh.. fucking cheem man. I see already also gong..
Right now only make toy car only. I show you picture:

spectacular lack of aerodynamics knowledge.
So anyway, this thing uses the solar panel to generate electricity to produce hydrogen and oxygen in the water tank, which is then used as fuel for the fuel cell to generate electricity which then drives the motor.
I know you must be asking yourself - why so kam lan? Just use the solar panel to power the car cannot meh? Ah.... then I ask you.. night time how?!... Rainy day how?... Cannot run right?! That's why day time we use the solar panel to create fuel.. Then night time go chiong that time then use your fuel cell... Understand or not, Ah Boy?
Aiyah but still not used to studying leh. And I also realise that student life is a bit cock. The other night was someone's birthday and then when they make him down his drink, they all started chanting his name. Fucking cock.. Like macham frat boy house like that. And worse is all the bars in the college only got beer and wine. How to tahan?!?!
Anyway, if you all got time come and see me. I three weeks never scold "cheebye" already. Two more months I think I'll be reduced to saying "fuck you".
So come here and let me practice on you, you cheebyes...
I know you must be asking yourself - why so kam lan? Just use the solar panel to power the car cannot meh? Ah.... then I ask you.. night time how?!... Rainy day how?... Cannot run right?! That's why day time we use the solar panel to create fuel.. Then night time go chiong that time then use your fuel cell... Understand or not, Ah Boy?
Aiyah but still not used to studying leh. And I also realise that student life is a bit cock. The other night was someone's birthday and then when they make him down his drink, they all started chanting his name. Fucking cock.. Like macham frat boy house like that. And worse is all the bars in the college only got beer and wine. How to tahan?!?!
Anyway, if you all got time come and see me. I three weeks never scold "cheebye" already. Two more months I think I'll be reduced to saying "fuck you".
So come here and let me practice on you, you cheebyes...
Wah, so long no update and nobody comment so I think I give you a comment with this boliao comment. Can anot? Anyway, all the best man. Dun go believe what other people say, that after this only good enough to wash test tubes. Your research very interesting. But I got question for you: You know ah, in space is very cold. Water sure freeze one. Become ice like sng pao. Like dat how ah? Hong kan oredi anot?
hah Shit man.
I lost my bookmarks to your blog last year, and I've been trying to find it ever since. I remembered it had something to do with the words "they're all fuckers" ... naturally Google showed a lot of porn - and I hoped that my wife doesn't think I'm a pervert. (well she knows I am, but I mustn't act like one haha)
Anyway after a lot of trouble - I find it... so keep blogging if you can.
[From sunny South Africa]
P.S. Sorry about the job man :(
Good Luck!
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