Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Cock Too Small? Just Add Balls

So someone decided that Jakarta needs to have some sort of 'subway system' in order to make it 'world class'. But no money to dig tunnels. So how? Easy. Just close of one lane of traffic throughout the busiest roads in Jakarta by spending millions of dollars to raise said lane by one foot, thereby worsening traffic conjestion, i.e., the very same problem that any normal subway system is supposed to alleviate, buy a few hundred snazzy, custom-made buses (the doors have to be about a meter off the ground - see below - in order to reach the specially-built bus-stops designed with passenger platforms very high off the ground so as to simulate the experience of being at a real subway stop which, against conventional wisdom, have been built on the road dividers between lanes, thereby neccesitating special custom-built overhead bridges for passengers to reach them), then drive the buses around the city, passing them off as subway trains, and hope no one notices the difference.

Busdriver Bill never quite figured out whether Keanu meant
miles or kilometres per hour when he said "stay above fifty!".

So anyway, this is the logo for the 'Busway' system:

Oh look. It's an eagle. Just like those American bald eagles associated with cool, high quality American service. But this one better. This eagle got balls. Balls so big that they're the same size as its head. Imagine if you had balls the size of your head. How to walk? And that's not all. Not satisfied with the boring old two balls, Transjakarta Eagle has three! That's how man he is.

Why have three balls? Because, as you can see from the close-up above, Transjakarta Eagle (he's like a mascot. They call him Tran-E. He goes to little kids' birthday parties and all) has no lan jiao. Or perhaps his lan jiao is so small that you can't see it. So how? Just have balls that are ten times bigger than real life and add an extra one for good measure. That'll show those stupid Americans.

Like L says, "more bigger, more better!"


Anonymous said...

of cos he got no lj lah, he called Tran-E what.

Anonymous said...

did you draw on those balls yourself jimmy?

Fucking BS said...

of course not.

i have blogger's integrity. go do a google image search on "Transjakarta" and you'll see that I'm telling nothing but the truth.

Fucking BS said...

Fuck you mothercheebye spammer! I'm gonna track you down and rip your heart out from your cheebye.