Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I Buy A Gold Watch

So I bought this gold Casio Illuminator digital watch. It's like the coolest thing in the world. Everything about it is cool. From the "Illuminator" word engraved on the watch face to the words "ten year battery" printed on the front to the greenish glow that lights up the LEDs when you press a button on the side.

Check it:

Although polio had wasted away most of Johnson's arm, he valiantly insisted on wearing his gold watch, which he could now barely keep on.

The shopkeeper obviously didn't understand what a gem of coolness he had just sold me:

Me: How much is that watch there?

Shopkeeper: Which one? The gold one?

Me: Yeah that one. How much?

Shopkeeper (sniggering to himself): Uh.. $45.

My friend (who doubts my judgement in coolness): Any discount?

Shopkeeper: Yeah. I'll let you have it for $40.

Me: Ok. Can I have a new one in the box please?

Shopkeeper: We don't have any new ones. This is the only one we have in stock. Not many people buy this model (he could have meant "no one has ever bought this watch").

Me: Oh.. ok.

Shopkeeper: (Doubtfully) Anyway, gold digital watches are in fashion now huh?

Me: Uh. Yeah.

Shopkeeper: Anyway, if too many people buy this watch, its not going to stand out lah. So best if I just keep one in stock so that not too many people will buy it.

Me: (Wondering why he is justifying the sale of the watch to me almost as if it is a cardinal sin). Uh. Yeah.

Shopkeeper: (Watching with a sort of morbid fascination as I put on the watch.) You really not paiseh one hor?

Me: Yeah. Not very often lah.

Shopkeeper: Er. Right. Anyway, er. Thanks for buying the watch...

Me: (Brandishing my new gold watch). Yup.

All the while he had this look of bemused disbelief that someone was actually buying this watch. Well I'm glad I made somebody's day. Anyway, I think it's damn fucking uber cool:

As I mentioned before, for me, style is cannot compromise one.

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