Friday, August 25, 2006

Vocabulary Lesson

Yesterday I stepped into my class and my vocabulary teacher, who was already there, immediately and totally out of the blue, goes, "before we start today's lesson, I thought I'd introduce a few new words just for your information." He writes on the whiteboard:





perilaku seks (aman/berisiko)

gonta ganti pasangan X setia pada 1 pasangan

Then he explained in his best English that mandal is different from impoten because mandal means "the condition of a man where he can ejaculate but his sperm cannot make the woman pregnant" whereas impoten "means that the man cannot do the sex" (also known as "cannot get it up" in more conventional terms).

He continued, "subur it refer to the age of a couple when they can make baby." And, lapsing into Indonesia in his excitement, that aprodisiak is to "tambah gairah" or to increase desire.

"Perilaku seks is the doing of sex but there is two type - aman which is the safe type where you wear erm.. kondom? Or eat peel (after some too-ing and fro-ing I realise he meant to say "pill"). And berisiko is like make sex but having some risk. Like don't wear kondom or eat peel."

Last but not least, he explained that "gonta ganti pasangan means that the people always change sexual partner" (I guess we call them "swingers") and that "setia pada 1 pasangan means always with one partner (we all know who those people are)."

I asked him if these words would be coming out in the final exam next week and he said "oh.. er.. ha.. ha.. is only for your information." Now why would he think that I would need to know all these things in particular?

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